Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hudud: PAS must go out from Pakatan.
1. The difference ideologies between the 3 parties.
2. PKR and DAP totally reject the ideologies of an Islamic state.
3. PKR and DAP totally rejecting the enforcement of Hudud and Qisas as the law of the land.
4. PAS seems like a ‘boneka’ for both DAP and PKR.
5. In conclusion, no benefits for PAS to stay in the combination of Pakatan Rakyat.
But, we know that PAS will not go out from Pakatan as they need this combination for their strength. So, how about your Islamic mission?
I write this article as I have found out that PAS supporters have a very deep interest in supporting Pakatan Rakyat. Again, how about your Islamic mission? Since we know that PKR and DAP totally rejecting PAS’ ideology.
Please wake up all the supporters of PAS! If the intention only to demolish the position of UMNO, there’s no benefit at all.
Hudud: PAS must go out from Pakatan.
Thursday, December 25, 2008Why PAS must go out from the combination of Pakatan Rakyat:
1. The difference ideologies between the 3 parties.
2. PKR and DAP totally reject the ideologies of an Islamic state.
3. PKR and DAP totally rejecting the enforcement of Hudud and Qisas as the law of the land.
4. PAS seems like a ‘boneka’ for both DAP and PKR.
5. In conclusion, no benefits for PAS to stay in the combination of Pakatan Rakyat.
But, we know that PAS will not go out from Pakatan as they need this combination for their strength. So, how about your Islamic mission?
I write this article as I have found out that PAS supporters have a very deep interest in supporting Pakatan Rakyat. Again, how about your Islamic mission? Since we know that PKR and DAP totally rejecting PAS’ ideology.
Please wake up all the supporters of PAS! If the intention only to demolish the position of UMNO, there’s no benefit at all.
- Farhan Ghadzali said...
Husam ibarat menjilat ludah sendiri!!ehehe
KJ chill! -
December 25, 2008 at 8:13 PM
- Danial Izzat Zulbahari said...
PAS..x reti2 lg nk kuar dari Pakatan Rakyat.
December 26, 2008 at 2:10 AM
- Mohd. Ramadan Bin Ab.Hamid said...
hurmm.. masing2
December 26, 2008 at 12:36 PM
- mizbi said...
kenapa mesti keluar??
kalo diberi penerangan yang jelas, insyallah mereka akan terima..
cume saya harap umno must be careful when they make any statement baout hudud.. sebab byk statement yang negatif, songsang daripada hudud yg sebnar dan menampakkan islam sebagai agama yg zalim..
astaghfirullahal'azim.. -
December 29, 2008 at 7:14 PM
- Danial Izzat Zulbahari said...
perlu kluar kerana DAP dan PKR tak nak hudud dijalankan. jd PAS lebih baik bergerak sendirian.
January 2, 2009 at 4:30 AM
- Jack Wiseman said...
epas ngan umno kena dibubarkan dan sebuah parti baru berasaskan islam perlu ditubuhkan. komen?
January 2, 2009 at 3:46 PM
- Danial Izzat Zulbahari said...
cdangan yg baik utk bgabubg. wlaubgaimanapun, pnggbungan ini belum ckp utk menegakkan hdud di malaysia kerana pindaan undang2 mesti melibatkn persetujuan 2/3 ahli parlimen.
oleh itu, cdngan penguatkuasaan hudud harus dilakukan perlahan-lahan.
yg lebih penting diri sendiri harus istiqamah dlm melaksanakan ibadah. -
January 2, 2009 at 5:03 PM
Husam ibarat menjilat ludah sendiri!!ehehe
KJ chill!
PAS..x reti2 lg nk kuar dari Pakatan Rakyat.
hurmm.. masing2
kenapa mesti keluar??
kalo diberi penerangan yang jelas, insyallah mereka akan terima..
cume saya harap umno must be careful when they make any statement baout hudud.. sebab byk statement yang negatif, songsang daripada hudud yg sebnar dan menampakkan islam sebagai agama yg zalim..
perlu kluar kerana DAP dan PKR tak nak hudud dijalankan. jd PAS lebih baik bergerak sendirian.
epas ngan umno kena dibubarkan dan sebuah parti baru berasaskan islam perlu ditubuhkan. komen?
cdangan yg baik utk bgabubg. wlaubgaimanapun, pnggbungan ini belum ckp utk menegakkan hdud di malaysia kerana pindaan undang2 mesti melibatkn persetujuan 2/3 ahli parlimen.
oleh itu, cdngan penguatkuasaan hudud harus dilakukan perlahan-lahan.
yg lebih penting diri sendiri harus istiqamah dlm melaksanakan ibadah.
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