Since the establishment of Pakatan Rakyat(PR) several months ago, I keep asking myself what is the main purpose and what’s the objective of this Pakatan. With the combination of 3 major opposition parties in this country; Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR), Democratic Action Party(DAP) and Parti Islam SeMalaysia(PAS), this PR looked quite strong to beat the government side which is Barisan Nasional(BN).
But in my very personal opinion(it may be wrong), it seems not going well for this Pakatan, since these 3 parties have difference ideologies to be brought.
PAS = Islamic country with Islamic law to be enforced
DAP= Malaysian Malaysia concept(no specialties for the Malays anymore)
PKR= Anwar Ibrahim as the Prime Minister(may be.. Im not sure)
As a conclusion, with these differences ideologies, what’s the main objective of this Pakatan??
I guess the answer is only this= DEMOLISH THE BARISAN NASIONAL
In my opinion, this is not a good solution. This Pakatan should have to organize their organization wisely, so that they could lead this country in a perfect way as BN did for 51 years from 1957-2008!
i think rakyat should not loyal to a party or collision anymore but must choose the one that can bring them development, welfare, and happiness...
yes, it is Barisan Nasional! haha
yeah,BN rock~!!!
x paham PKR sanggup gadai maruah melayu semata-mata nak tarik ati pengundi...huhu...
their not capable enough to take over this country!..cut the bullshit thing that they gonna be a leader of freedom n independence!!..their concepts is almost be the same as other country such as UK n US..where everybody goes back to
10000 B.C.. 'do whatever you want to do,
as long as it fulfills your human-right...."..ini bodoh!
talking bout maruah melayu. why melayu so scared bout their special rights bla bla bla? they shudnt do so cos all the rights given is constitutional.
crap... what type of ideology more signifies democracy if neglect human rights? maybe we must practice cronyism and profess nepotism? thse b-end fanatics thnk million years back...
be more neutral and judgmental guys...
bro, our malaysian cnstituion could be changed just like what DAP intend to do..
hasif, sejak bile ko jd pmbngkang ni?? hehehe
its nt easy to change consti bro...
im nt on pembangkang nor bn side...
yes bro,these 3 parties in the alliance differ in their agendas n ideologies,but they have d same objective,to take over the country from b-end!
BN,in their past r absolutely great,it is undeniable..the efforts toward independence,efforts to unite the multiracial pple,those r why they WERE great. but now,corrupcy,cronisme,show us that the recent leaders of BN use their position for their own sake..
im not saying the opposition r good,but still,we need reformation..
perhaps, the rakyat dun hev other choice...
bros, hasif n raafiq..
y dun both of u refer to this person
p/s:is it nO cronysm in PR???
yes there r cronisme in pr..mana2 pun ada..the point is whether there r enough actns done by the authorities to overcome it o not.
im not in line with any side..both sides tak btol..politik ms semakin n smakin kotor..
yess thers cronysm. but, gt nthng in return...
nk muntah aku...kekeke
stakat nk harap UMNO yg da 51 taun ni dh x laku ler...
amacm still ngn pak lah lag?
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