Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful).
The Welfare Secretariat of Law Students’ Society (LAWSOC) has done several activities throughout this one year tenure since this secretariat has started its duty officially on December 2010. Our aim is to care and reach those in need. The duties of the Welfare Secretariat revolve around students condition and concerns in AIKOL. For that reason, our secretariat has organized welfare related programs to cater the AIKOLians’ need.
Being different compared to the other secretariat which have the jurisdiction to organize programs, our priority is to do welfare services to the students. As a result, we are not focusing on programs. The annual budget given to us is RM 10 since services are our priority. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah as all the programs have achieved its aims and objectives. These are the details of the activities throughout aone year tenure:
1. Petition for toilet repairing.
The toilet repair project was done based on the suggestions and complaints received form the students in collabration with the former SRC (Sister Izyan Syazwani). Petition to have AIKOL’s toilet to be renovated had been circulated to students.
This is intended to resolve the unsettled issue that is the toilet’s hygiene.
Remarks: We had succeeded in getting the AIKOL’s toilet refurbished within the targeted period.
2. Helping Pusat Darah Negara for blood donation programme.
Done in December 2010 and September 2011.
Remarks: We are helping by pasting the poster at AIKOL and also being a comitee at the event which held in Foyer Mosque.
3 .Petition for Female Musolla
Complaints made by lots of female students which did not satisfy with the condition of the female musolla which is not “closed” due to separation between the area of ablution and the musolla which makes the female students to be uncomfortable with the situation.
Remarks: AIKOL answered that they will build up new musolla.
4. Petition to change the date for final examination.
Several batch had asked for our help in changing the final exam date. 4th year and 3rd year.
5. New photocopy centre.
Complaints by the students about the old photocopy shop. We made a report to the Kuliyyah and Kuliyyah agreed to change to new tnder and make a new lot for a new photocopy centre (still in progress).
6. Donations
Donation was intended to give assistance to AIKOLians’ who are in needs so as to ease their burden. For instance in the case of death of a family member and accident. The other objective of this activity is to inculcate the sense of kindness and empathy among students as they helped their colleagues.
- Sister Auliya Syuhada binti Juperi
- Sister Syazana Abdul Rahim
- Sister Nalissa bte Zainal Abidin
- Sister Syarifah Habibah bte Syed Mustafa
-Sister Suzana Zainal Abidin
-Sister Nor Alia Kassim
- Brother Azrul Hisham bin Azman
- Helping in Donation for Aikol Fest Charity Walk
It has been our pleasure to assist others especially the Aikolians’ in any way we can. We are glad that all the students had involved in the programs that were held by our secretariat. Our responsibility is a `divine trust therefore we always try our best to care for the student’s welfare especially for those in trouble and difficulty.
May Allah bless all the efforts. And we also want to apologize from the Aikolians for our own mistakes and defects. Thank You. Syukran jazillan.
"Your Welfare is Our Concern"
Muhd Danial Izzat b Zulbahari
Welfare Secretariat,
Law Students’ Society (LAWSOC) 2010/2011,
International Islamic University Malaysia.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

One figure that had inspired me a lot is Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim. I think it is better for me to explain a bit about his biodata first. Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim was born on 10th of August 1947. After completing his secondary education at Malay College Kuala Kangsar, he continued his tertiary studies at University of Malaya in Malay Studies. From 1968 to 1971, as a student, Anwar was the president of a Muslim students organisation, Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Then after his graduation, had became active in the NGO of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). In 1982, he had shocked his supporters by joining the biggest political party in Malaysia which is the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) which led by our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.
Datuk Seri Anwar started his political career by holding the position of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in 1983. And he had created his own history by only took 11 years to become a Deputy Prime Minister. It is a fact that some of UMNO senior members felt jealous with his fast promotion but because Tun Mahathir had impliedly shown that he wanted Anwar to be his protégé, these UMNO senior members just keep it silent. Things running well and crisis happened only in the year of 1999 where he had been sacked by Tun Mahathir. And the allegation towards him were corruption and sodomy activities.
His termination had caused a great impact to the whole nation where his supporters woke up and did protest via demonstration on roads in Kuala Lumpur. This riot had affected the status of Malaysia as a clean and harmony country. And because of this termination also, a new political party had been established that is Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Since Anwar lose his case, Anwar had been sentenced to jail. And many people thought that the political career of Anwar Ibrahim had came to an end. However, the reality had been contra to the theory. In fact, after he had been released from jail, the national political pattern had changed a lot. If previously, the government ruling party may easily hold the Parliament by majority of 2/3, it had become different due to his released where the opposition seems became stronger than before.
Once he had been released, in November 2006, Anwar announced he planned to run for Parliament in 2008, after his disqualification expired. He won a seat in Parliament by winning the by election of Permatang Pauh where he had a big victory there since he was the favourite in that competition for the election. On 28 August 2008, Anwar, dressed in a dark blue traditional Malay outfit and black "songkok", took the oath at the main chamber of Parliament house in Kuala lumpur, as Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh at 10.03 am before Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia. He formally declared Anwar the leader of the 3-party opposition alliance where he had been chosen as the Oppostion Leader in the Parliament.
What’s insipired me a lot is that how a man which had been thought to have his political career ended, is still alive at the moment and not just that, he holds one of the highest rank in the Parliament as well. And this matters shown us about his charismatic values which may influence people by his image and his speech as well. This values which owned by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the matter for me to be inspired by his charismatic values as a politician and as a leader of the society.
And it is not an easy thing for a man which had been drowned in his career to bounce back. This is an extraordinary people which had worked hard to recover from the effect of the “drowning”. Not everyone can do this, but surely it is not impossible to be done and it had been proven by Datuk Seri Anwar and this matter had inspired me a lot to pick him as one of my idol in life.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Cinta Madinah

Friday, November 4, 2011
Seksualiti Merdeka
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Hudud Based on the Federal Constitution

How to implement Hudud based on the Federal Constitution?
It is not undeniable facts that
Article 3(1): Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.
Eventhough the Federal Constitution itself allows the freedom of religion to the Malaysian citizens, still the special position of Islam as the religion of the Federation had been safeguarded by the provision of Article 11(4) where it mentions that state and the Federal government may control the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam. In other words, the position of Islam had been safeguarded well in the Federal Constitution which reflects that Islam is the religion of the Federation; that is why the position must be protected.
We also agree that an Islamic state is complete to be called as an Islamic only once the laws which had been provided by the Lawgiver Allah had been implemented as the law of the land. In nowadays position, it seems like Islam had been implemented well in the socio system of
Basically, Hudud in Islamic law, usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be "claims of God." It consists:
- Theft
- Zina (Illegal sexual intercourse)
- Highway robbery (Hirabah)
- Qazf (false accusation of zina)
- Drinking alcohol
- Apostacy
- Blasphemy
All these 7 crimes of Hudud had been described their punishment whether in the Quran or Sunnah. The punishment for theft is amputation of hand as had been described in surah Al-Maidah: 38. The punishment for zina is 100 lashes as had been stated in Surah An-Nur: 2. For Hirabah, the punishment is whether kill, cruxify or expelling the person from the state as had been stated in surah . For Qazf, the punishment is 80 lashes as had been stated in surah An-Nur: 3. The punishment for drinking alchol is 80 lashes as had been stated by one hadith of Prophet Muhammad. The punishment for apostacy also had been authorized by the hadith of Prophet Muhammad where the Prophet mentioned that the punishment for aposctacy is kill. While for blasphemy, the punishment is kill as had been clearly stated in surah Al-Hujurah: 9.
We may analyze that what are the reasons for no implementation of Islamic law for all these 7 crimes in Malaysia. Firstly my ground is that the reason of the political ideology itself. The intention to implement hudud is basically based on the ideology of a political movement. The kickstart to establish hudud will be easier if the ruling party in
That is for the political reason which restrain the implementation of Hudud. And the other reason which block the implementation of Hudud is the legal basis which is the Federal Constitution itself. The main reason why Hudud do not have the ability to be implemented in
Article 160: Law includes written law, the common law in so far as it is in operation in the Federation or any part thereof, and any custom or usage having the force of law in the Federation or any part thereof.
Based on this provision it is clearly stated that the source of law which had only been recognized throughout the Federation are only the written law, the common law and any custom which had been forced of law in this country. Basically some may argue that the word custom in this provision indirectly mentioned about Islam. However this argument may be rebutted by saying that the custom stated in the provision only mention about custom which had been forced by law such as the family law matters, succession matters etc. And as we realize that Hudud had not been implemented, so in other words, the term custom in the provision is not in line with Hudud since it only mention about custom which had been forced by law.
It is also recognized that criminal matters as had been stated under Ninth Schedule of Article 74 is under the jurisdiction of the Federal government. Technically, the hudud matters should be governed under this provision. Supposedly, the Federal government may insert the hudud punishment to the Penal Code if they really want it. However, The problem is that if the Federal government intend to implement hudud laws, still that action is ultra vires with the definition of law which had been already stated in Article 160. Since Article 4 stated that FC is the supreme law of the Federation. So that, the FC must be referred all the time.
And my suggestion is that if we really intend to implement hudud in our country, the first thing that we need to do is by amending the definition of law in the interpretation section that is Article 160 of the Federal Constitution. It does not matter whether we choose to add the Islamic law as one source of laws or, just abolished the other “laws” which had been stated. The definition of law is very important here. It is because if the government of the day intend to apply hudud, the person punished may sue on the ground that the government had ultra vires with the term law provided in the Federal Constitution.
However, an interesting situation is that today the Syariah Courts hold the jurisdiction of two crimes in Hudud which are zina and drinking alcoholic drink. In theory, we may say that the Syariah Courts already have the jurisdiction to provide the hudud punishment for both of this crime. But still, this action may not be done since the Syariah Courts is governed by the Muslim Court Criminal Jurisdiction Act. And Section 2 of this act only provides the maximum punishment of 3 years jail, RM 5000 and 6 lashes. As a result, the State which have the jurisdiction to enact the law for Shariah Courts do not have the ability to impose Hudud.
Even if the Section 2 of the Muslim Court Criminal Jurisdiction Act had been amended, still it may be challenged to ultra vires the Federal Constitution.
Some may argue that Article 76A allows the Federal government to delegate to the state the power to enact laws with the matters in the Federal List. Let’s say the Federal government had delegated the power to the State government. Still, the definition of law must be refered if the State intends to enact Hudud laws. And the enactment is ultra vires the Federal Constitution because the definition of law does not recognize Islamic law as a part of law in
In conclusion, the Hudud may still not be implemented if the term “law” in Article 160 still have not been amended. So as a suggestion here, I would like to propose the idea that if the government of the day ready to implement hudud in this land, the first thing that need to be done is by amending the definition of law in the Federal Constitution. If not, still the action of providing hudud is not legal in the eyes of the Federal Constitution.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Ya Allah...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bahana Fitnah : Al-Hujurat 6

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Aidilfitri : Kembali Kepada Fitrah

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Maksud "Duli Yang Maha Mulia"
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gay / Lesbian : Bala Akan Menimpa Bumi!

Gay wajib dibanteras. Seks luar tabiie ini semakin aktif berleluasa. Bukan saja di luar negara, hatta di Malaysia sendiri sudah begitu ramai golongan ini. Aktiviti ini sangat dilaknat Allah! Ayuh kita luangkan sedikit masa untuk membaca kisah kaum Nabi Luth ini agar dapat kita menyampaikan kepada segenap pelusuk alam bahawa aktiviti laknat ini mesti dibanteras. Moga ada sedikit saham pahala untuk usaha kita.
Nabi Luth telah diutuskan kepada masyarakat Sadum. Maksiat dan kemungkaran bermaharajalela dalam pergaulan hidup mereka. Pencurian dan perampasan harta milik merupakan kejadian hari-hari di mana yang kuat menjadi kuasa sedang yang lemah menjadi korban penindasan dan perlakuan sewenang-wenang. Maksiat yang paling menonjol yang menjadi ciri khas hidup mereka adalah perbuatan homoseksual di kalangan lelakinya dan lesbian di kalangan wanitanya. Kedua-dua jenis kemungkaran ini begitu bermaharajalela di dalam masyarakat sehinggakan ia merupakan suatu kebudayaan bagi kaum Sadum.
Nabi Luth berseru kepada mereka agar meninggalkan adat kebiasaan iaitu melakukan perbuatan homoseksual dan lesbian. Luth menyatakan perbuatan itu bertentangan dengan fitrah dan hati nurani manusia serta menyalahi hikmah yang terkandung didalam penciptaan manusia menjadi dua jenis iaitu lelaki dan wanita. Juga kepada mereka di beri nasihat dan diajukan supaya menghormati hak dan milik masing-masing dengan meninggalkan perbuatan perampasan, perompakan serta pencurian yang selalu mrk lakukan di antara sesama mereka dan terutama kepada pengunjung yang datang ke Sadum. Diterangkan bahawa perbuatan-perbuatan itu akan merugikan mereka sendiri, kerana perbuatan itu akan menimbulkan kekacauan dan ketidak amanan di dalam negeri sehingga masing-masing dari mereka tidak merasa aman dan tenteram dalam hidupnya.
Kerana tiada respon untuk insaf, Nabi Luth memohon kepada Allah agar kepada kaumnya masyarakat Sadum diberi pengajaran berupa azab di dunia sebelum azab yang menanti mereka di akhirat kelak. Permohonan Nabi Luth dan doanya diperkenankan dan dikabulkan oleh Allah s.w.t. Dikirimkanlah kepadanya tiga orang malaikat menyamar sebagai manusia biasa. Mereka adalah malaikat yang bertemu kepada Nabi Ibrahim dengan membawa berita gembira atas kelahiran Nabi Ishaq, dan memberitahu kepada mrk bahwa dia adalah utusan Allah dengan tugas menurunkan azab kepada kaum Luth penduduk kota Sadum.
Dalam kesempatan pertemuan mana Nabi Ibrahim telah mohon agar penurunan azab keatas kaum Sadum ditunda ,kalau-kalau mereka kembali sedar mendebgarkan dan mengikuti ajakan Luth serta bertaubat dari segala maksiat dan perbuatan mungkar. Juga dalam pertemuan itu Nabi Ibrahim mohon agar anaksaudaranya, Luth diselamatkan dari azab yang akan diturunkan keatas kaum Sadum permintaan mana oleh para malaikat itu diterima dan dijamin bahwa Luth dan keluarganya tidak akan terkena azab.
Para malaikat itu sampai di Sadum dengan menyamar sebagai lelaki muda yang berparas tampan dan badan yang berotot, tegap dan sasa tubuhnya dan meminta untuk menumpang di rumah Nabi Luth. Nabi Luth telah pun berpesan kepada isteri dan kedua puterinya agar merahsiakan kedatangan anak-anak lelaki muda itu. Jangan sampai terdengar dan diketahui oleh kaumnya. Namun, kedegilan isteri Nabi Luth, yang juga sehaluan dan sependirian dengan penduduk Sadum, telah membocorkan berita kedatangan tetamu Luth kepada mereka. Berita kedatangan tetamu Luth tersebar kerana isteri Nabi Luth.
Datanglah beramai-ramai lelaki-lelaki Sodom, yang buta seks ini, ke rumah Nabi Luth, berhajat untuk memuaskan nafsu seksual mereka, setelah lama tidak mendapat anak muda. Berteriaklah mereka memanggil Luth untuk lepas anak-anak muda itu, agar diberi kepada mereka untuk memuaskan nafsu. Mendengar keluh-resah Nabi Luth, lantas anak-anak muda itu memberitahu hal yang sebenar, mereka adalah malaikat-malaikat yang menyamar sebagai manusia yang diutus oleh Allah untuk menurunkan azab dan seksa atas rakyatnya kerana segala kemungkaran dan kemaksiat yang keji dan kotor.
Malaikat-malaikat itu menyuruh Nabi Luth membuka pintu rumahnya seluas mungkin agar dapat memberi kesempatan bagi orang -orang yang hauskan seks dengan lelaki itu masuk. Namun malangnya apabila pintu dibuka dan para penyerbu memijakkan kaki untuk masuk, tiba-tiba gelaplah pandangan mereka dan tidak dapat melihat sesuatu. Malaikat-malaikat tadi telah membutakan mata mereka. Lalu, diusap-usap dan digosok-gosok mata mereka, ternyata mereka sudah menjadi buta.
Sementara para penyerbu rumah Nabi Luth berada dalam keadaan kacau bilau berbentur antara satu dengan lain berteriak-teriak menanya-nanya gerangan apa yang menjadikan mereka buta dengan mendadak para berseru kepada Nabi Luth agar meninggalkan segera perkampungan itu bersama keluarganya, kerana masanya telah tiba bagi azab Allah yang akan ditimpakan. Para malaikat berpesan kepada Nabi Luth dan keluarganya agar perjalanan ke luar kota jangan seorang pun dari mereka menoleh ke belakang.
Nabi Luth keluar dari rumahnya sehabis tengah malam, bersama keluarganya terdiri dari seorang isteri dan dua puterinya berjalan cepat menuju keluar kota, tidak menoleh ke kanan mahupun kekiri sesuai dengan petunjuk para malaikat yang menjadi tamunya.Akan tetapi si isteri yang menjadi musuh dalam selimut bagi Nabi Luth tidak tergamak meninggalkan kaumnya. Ia berada dibelakang rombongan Nabi Luth berjalan perlahan-lahan tidak secepat langkah suaminya dan tidak henti-henti menoleh ke belakang karena ingin mengetahui apa yang akan menimpa atas kaumnya, seakan-akan meragukan kebenaran ancaman para malaikat yang telah didengarnya sendiri.
Dan begitu langkah Nabi Luth berserta kedua puterinya melewati batas kota Sadum, sewaktu fajar menyingsing, bergetarlah bumi dengan dahsyatnya di bawah kaki rakyat Sadum, tidak terkecuali isteri Nabi Luth yang munafiq itu. Getaran itu mendahului suatu gempa bumi yang kuat dan hebat disertai angin yang kencang dan hujan batu sijjil yang menghancurkan dengan serta-merta kota Sadum berserta semua penghuninya.
Bertebaran mayat-mayat yang dilaknat oleh Allah S.W.T di kota Sodom, dan hancurlah kota tersebut yang berada di laluan manusia yang lalu-lalang. Namun, masih ditinggalkan kesan-kesan kehancuran kota tersebut oleh Allah S.W.T, sebagai peringatan kaum yang kemudian yang melalui di jalan tersebut. Demikianlah kebesaran dan ayat Allah yang diturunkan untuk menjadi pengajaran dan ibrah bagi hamba-hamba-Nya yang mendatang.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Hakikatnya, Mesti Sedia Untuk Menerima

Monday, August 8, 2011
Kewajipan Menutup Aurat

"Wahai Asma’, seorang perempuan yang telah sampai haidh (baligh) tidak boleh dilihat (hendaklah bertutup) pada badannya melainkan ini dan ini” (sambil baginda menunjukkan ke arah wajah dan kedua pergelangan tangannya). (HR Abu Dawud)
Daripada ayat Quran dan hadis-hadis di atas jelas menunjukkan perintah Allah terhadap golongan wanita untuk menutup aurat. Maka di sinilah kita perlu memainkan peranan. Menagapa dalam masyarakat kita yang sememangnya Islam ini, di kala kita mengamalkan solat-solat fardhu, kita juga berpuasa, membayar zakat, bernikah mengikut kaedah Islam, pergi haji dan sebagainya, amalan untuk bertudung masih lagi tidak meluas. Masih banyak Muslimah di luar sana yang "membogelkan" aurat mereka.
Persoalannya kenapa masih tidak bertudung sedangkan sedari kecil, sedari di sekolah rendah kita telah pun diajar bahawa menutup aurat itu wajib. Dari segi menutup rambut dan leher. Begitu juga dengan menutup anggota badan yang lain dengan pakaian-pakaian yang semoleknya.
Allah telah berfirman di dalam ayat 59 surah Al-Ahzab,
“Wahai nabi (Muhammad), suruhlah kepada isteri-isteri kamu, anak-anak perempuan kamu dan wanita-wanita beriman agar melabuhkan jilbab (pakaian bagi menutup seluruh tubuh) mereka (semasa mereka keluar), cara yang demikian itu lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Pengasihani (terhadap dosa kamu di masa lalu).”Saturday, August 6, 2011
Kenapa Masih Bergosip Ketika Ramadhan?

Monday, August 1, 2011
Doa Berbuka Puasa

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Malaysia-Singapore (First Leg) : Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku

Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Harimau Malaya vs Singapore Lions

Monday, July 4, 2011
Salahkah Wanita Tak Tahu Memasak?

Jangan diperbesarkan nanti mereka terasa hati.
"Apalah perempuan, tak pandai masak siapa nak kahwin dengan awak!" Begitulah kata rakan sejawat lelaki pada seorang anak dara, juga rakan sejawat kami.
Maka jawaplah si gadis ayu itu yang dia tidak sempat belajar memasak sebab dari kecil tidak digalakkan keluarga sebaliknya di suruh menumpukan perhatian pada pelajaran saja.
Setelah tinggal di asrama, peluang pulang ke rumah terhad dan tidak sempat turun ke dapur membantu ibunya.
''Habis sekarang kenapa tidak belajar?" Tanya sang lelaki lagi dengan penuh semangat.
''Sedang belajarlah ni tetapi selain sibuk dengan kerjaya saya juga sibuk belajar agama, jadi belajar memasak tetap tidak diutamakan!" Begitu jawab si gadis yang membuatkan lelaki tadi menggeleng-geleng kepala.
Baginya tidak sempurna seorang wanita jika tidak tahu memasak. Wanita sepatutnya buat begitu juga.
Syarat utama menjadi suami mesti boleh menjadi imam.
Walau ada yang kata, jika itu syaratnya bermakna makin ramai wanita yang hidup bujang seumur hidup.
Lelaki meletakkan kebolehan wanita di dapur sebagai perkara utama dan ungkapan hendak memikat suami, perlu pikat seleranya sering diguna pakai.
Tidak kiralah jika wanita itu berpelajaran atau berjawatan tinggi dan penyumbang utama kewangan dalam rumahtangganya.
Sekarang bukan asing lagi gaji isteri lebih tinggi daripada suami.
Namun kedudukan suami sebagai raja tidak pernah dilupa walau dia tidak mengambil inisiatif mempelajari ilmu menjadi imam.
Ilmu bermain video game di komputer mereka rasa lebih perlu.
Kalau tidak tahu memasak disuruh belajar dan sesudah belajar perlu handal.
Jika handal bukan setakat masak untuk keluarga sendiri, kalau boleh perlu boleh memasak untuk tiga pasukan bola. Begitulah standard yang telah ditetapkan.
Bolehkah kita meletakkan undang-undang itu kepada lelaki juga? Kalau tidak pandai jadi imam, belajarlah.
Mula-mula jadi imam kepada keluarga sendiri, sudah terror boleh mengimam satu taman perumahan juga.
"Sibuk suruh kita handal memasak, mereka tu bolehkah jadi imam?" Dengus teman wanita yang lain.
Betul juga ya? Berapa kerat lelaki yang menjadikan sembahyang jemaah di rumah bersama anak isteri sebagai agenda utama, selain keperluan memenuhi pelbagai seleranya?
Maka bertanyalah wanita kini kepada beberapa lelaki tentang kebolehan yang satu ini.
Ternyata ramai yang menjawab tidak confident menjadi imam sebab takut bacaan al-Fatihah tidak sempurna, salah tajwid atau pun dia merasakan isterinya lebih handal.
Ada yang kata lebih elok dia dan isteri sembahyang sendiri-sendiri.
Ada juga menjawab, rasa kelakar pula apabila dirinya yang rugged menjadi imam.
Isu ini sepatutnya kita beratkan sepertimana masyarakat memberatkan wanita perlu pandai memasak jika mahu bersuami.
Lelaki juga harus boleh menjadi imam supaya kewibawaan mereka sebagai ketua keluarga tidak goyah atau menjadi mangsa 'queen control'.
Kalau tidak pandai, belajarlah sekarang. Jika wanita disuruh belajar, apa salahnya lelaki!
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Merciful).
The Welfare Secretariat of Law Students’ Society (LAWSOC) has done several activities throughout this one year tenure since this secretariat has started its duty officially on December 2010. Our aim is to care and reach those in need. The duties of the Welfare Secretariat revolve around students condition and concerns in AIKOL. For that reason, our secretariat has organized welfare related programs to cater the AIKOLians’ need.
Being different compared to the other secretariat which have the jurisdiction to organize programs, our priority is to do welfare services to the students. As a result, we are not focusing on programs. The annual budget given to us is RM 10 since services are our priority. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah as all the programs have achieved its aims and objectives. These are the details of the activities throughout aone year tenure:
1. Petition for toilet repairing.
The toilet repair project was done based on the suggestions and complaints received form the students in collabration with the former SRC (Sister Izyan Syazwani). Petition to have AIKOL’s toilet to be renovated had been circulated to students.
This is intended to resolve the unsettled issue that is the toilet’s hygiene.
Remarks: We had succeeded in getting the AIKOL’s toilet refurbished within the targeted period.
2. Helping Pusat Darah Negara for blood donation programme.
Done in December 2010 and September 2011.
Remarks: We are helping by pasting the poster at AIKOL and also being a comitee at the event which held in Foyer Mosque.
3 .Petition for Female Musolla
Complaints made by lots of female students which did not satisfy with the condition of the female musolla which is not “closed” due to separation between the area of ablution and the musolla which makes the female students to be uncomfortable with the situation.
Remarks: AIKOL answered that they will build up new musolla.
4. Petition to change the date for final examination.
Several batch had asked for our help in changing the final exam date. 4th year and 3rd year.
5. New photocopy centre.
Complaints by the students about the old photocopy shop. We made a report to the Kuliyyah and Kuliyyah agreed to change to new tnder and make a new lot for a new photocopy centre (still in progress).
6. Donations
Donation was intended to give assistance to AIKOLians’ who are in needs so as to ease their burden. For instance in the case of death of a family member and accident. The other objective of this activity is to inculcate the sense of kindness and empathy among students as they helped their colleagues.
- Sister Auliya Syuhada binti Juperi
- Sister Syazana Abdul Rahim
- Sister Nalissa bte Zainal Abidin
- Sister Syarifah Habibah bte Syed Mustafa
-Sister Suzana Zainal Abidin
-Sister Nor Alia Kassim
- Brother Azrul Hisham bin Azman
- Helping in Donation for Aikol Fest Charity Walk
It has been our pleasure to assist others especially the Aikolians’ in any way we can. We are glad that all the students had involved in the programs that were held by our secretariat. Our responsibility is a `divine trust therefore we always try our best to care for the student’s welfare especially for those in trouble and difficulty.
May Allah bless all the efforts. And we also want to apologize from the Aikolians for our own mistakes and defects. Thank You. Syukran jazillan.
"Your Welfare is Our Concern"
Muhd Danial Izzat b Zulbahari
Welfare Secretariat,
Law Students’ Society (LAWSOC) 2010/2011,
International Islamic University Malaysia.
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
6:00 PM
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 One figure that had inspired me a lot is Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim. I think it is better for me to explain a bit about his biodata first. Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim was born on 10th of August 1947. After completing his secondary education at Malay College Kuala Kangsar, he continued his tertiary studies at University of Malaya in Malay Studies. From 1968 to 1971, as a student, Anwar was the president of a Muslim students organisation, Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM). Then after his graduation, had became active in the NGO of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM). In 1982, he had shocked his supporters by joining the biggest political party in Malaysia which is the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) which led by our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.
Datuk Seri Anwar started his political career by holding the position of Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports in 1983. And he had created his own history by only took 11 years to become a Deputy Prime Minister. It is a fact that some of UMNO senior members felt jealous with his fast promotion but because Tun Mahathir had impliedly shown that he wanted Anwar to be his protégé, these UMNO senior members just keep it silent. Things running well and crisis happened only in the year of 1999 where he had been sacked by Tun Mahathir. And the allegation towards him were corruption and sodomy activities.
His termination had caused a great impact to the whole nation where his supporters woke up and did protest via demonstration on roads in Kuala Lumpur. This riot had affected the status of Malaysia as a clean and harmony country. And because of this termination also, a new political party had been established that is Parti Keadilan Rakyat. Since Anwar lose his case, Anwar had been sentenced to jail. And many people thought that the political career of Anwar Ibrahim had came to an end. However, the reality had been contra to the theory. In fact, after he had been released from jail, the national political pattern had changed a lot. If previously, the government ruling party may easily hold the Parliament by majority of 2/3, it had become different due to his released where the opposition seems became stronger than before.
Once he had been released, in November 2006, Anwar announced he planned to run for Parliament in 2008, after his disqualification expired. He won a seat in Parliament by winning the by election of Permatang Pauh where he had a big victory there since he was the favourite in that competition for the election. On 28 August 2008, Anwar, dressed in a dark blue traditional Malay outfit and black "songkok", took the oath at the main chamber of Parliament house in Kuala lumpur, as Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh at 10.03 am before Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia. He formally declared Anwar the leader of the 3-party opposition alliance where he had been chosen as the Oppostion Leader in the Parliament.
What’s insipired me a lot is that how a man which had been thought to have his political career ended, is still alive at the moment and not just that, he holds one of the highest rank in the Parliament as well. And this matters shown us about his charismatic values which may influence people by his image and his speech as well. This values which owned by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is the matter for me to be inspired by his charismatic values as a politician and as a leader of the society.
And it is not an easy thing for a man which had been drowned in his career to bounce back. This is an extraordinary people which had worked hard to recover from the effect of the “drowning”. Not everyone can do this, but surely it is not impossible to be done and it had been proven by Datuk Seri Anwar and this matter had inspired me a lot to pick him as one of my idol in life.
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
3:29 PM
Cinta Madinah
Monday, November 7, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
3:38 PM
Seksualiti Merdeka
Friday, November 4, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
7:48 AM
Hudud Based on the Federal Constitution
Thursday, November 3, 2011How to implement Hudud based on the Federal Constitution?
It is not undeniable facts that
Article 3(1): Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.
Eventhough the Federal Constitution itself allows the freedom of religion to the Malaysian citizens, still the special position of Islam as the religion of the Federation had been safeguarded by the provision of Article 11(4) where it mentions that state and the Federal government may control the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam. In other words, the position of Islam had been safeguarded well in the Federal Constitution which reflects that Islam is the religion of the Federation; that is why the position must be protected.
We also agree that an Islamic state is complete to be called as an Islamic only once the laws which had been provided by the Lawgiver Allah had been implemented as the law of the land. In nowadays position, it seems like Islam had been implemented well in the socio system of
Basically, Hudud in Islamic law, usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be "claims of God." It consists:
- Theft
- Zina (Illegal sexual intercourse)
- Highway robbery (Hirabah)
- Qazf (false accusation of zina)
- Drinking alcohol
- Apostacy
- Blasphemy
All these 7 crimes of Hudud had been described their punishment whether in the Quran or Sunnah. The punishment for theft is amputation of hand as had been described in surah Al-Maidah: 38. The punishment for zina is 100 lashes as had been stated in Surah An-Nur: 2. For Hirabah, the punishment is whether kill, cruxify or expelling the person from the state as had been stated in surah . For Qazf, the punishment is 80 lashes as had been stated in surah An-Nur: 3. The punishment for drinking alchol is 80 lashes as had been stated by one hadith of Prophet Muhammad. The punishment for apostacy also had been authorized by the hadith of Prophet Muhammad where the Prophet mentioned that the punishment for aposctacy is kill. While for blasphemy, the punishment is kill as had been clearly stated in surah Al-Hujurah: 9.
We may analyze that what are the reasons for no implementation of Islamic law for all these 7 crimes in Malaysia. Firstly my ground is that the reason of the political ideology itself. The intention to implement hudud is basically based on the ideology of a political movement. The kickstart to establish hudud will be easier if the ruling party in
That is for the political reason which restrain the implementation of Hudud. And the other reason which block the implementation of Hudud is the legal basis which is the Federal Constitution itself. The main reason why Hudud do not have the ability to be implemented in
Article 160: Law includes written law, the common law in so far as it is in operation in the Federation or any part thereof, and any custom or usage having the force of law in the Federation or any part thereof.
Based on this provision it is clearly stated that the source of law which had only been recognized throughout the Federation are only the written law, the common law and any custom which had been forced of law in this country. Basically some may argue that the word custom in this provision indirectly mentioned about Islam. However this argument may be rebutted by saying that the custom stated in the provision only mention about custom which had been forced by law such as the family law matters, succession matters etc. And as we realize that Hudud had not been implemented, so in other words, the term custom in the provision is not in line with Hudud since it only mention about custom which had been forced by law.
It is also recognized that criminal matters as had been stated under Ninth Schedule of Article 74 is under the jurisdiction of the Federal government. Technically, the hudud matters should be governed under this provision. Supposedly, the Federal government may insert the hudud punishment to the Penal Code if they really want it. However, The problem is that if the Federal government intend to implement hudud laws, still that action is ultra vires with the definition of law which had been already stated in Article 160. Since Article 4 stated that FC is the supreme law of the Federation. So that, the FC must be referred all the time.
And my suggestion is that if we really intend to implement hudud in our country, the first thing that we need to do is by amending the definition of law in the interpretation section that is Article 160 of the Federal Constitution. It does not matter whether we choose to add the Islamic law as one source of laws or, just abolished the other “laws” which had been stated. The definition of law is very important here. It is because if the government of the day intend to apply hudud, the person punished may sue on the ground that the government had ultra vires with the term law provided in the Federal Constitution.
However, an interesting situation is that today the Syariah Courts hold the jurisdiction of two crimes in Hudud which are zina and drinking alcoholic drink. In theory, we may say that the Syariah Courts already have the jurisdiction to provide the hudud punishment for both of this crime. But still, this action may not be done since the Syariah Courts is governed by the Muslim Court Criminal Jurisdiction Act. And Section 2 of this act only provides the maximum punishment of 3 years jail, RM 5000 and 6 lashes. As a result, the State which have the jurisdiction to enact the law for Shariah Courts do not have the ability to impose Hudud.
Even if the Section 2 of the Muslim Court Criminal Jurisdiction Act had been amended, still it may be challenged to ultra vires the Federal Constitution.
Some may argue that Article 76A allows the Federal government to delegate to the state the power to enact laws with the matters in the Federal List. Let’s say the Federal government had delegated the power to the State government. Still, the definition of law must be refered if the State intends to enact Hudud laws. And the enactment is ultra vires the Federal Constitution because the definition of law does not recognize Islamic law as a part of law in
In conclusion, the Hudud may still not be implemented if the term “law” in Article 160 still have not been amended. So as a suggestion here, I would like to propose the idea that if the government of the day ready to implement hudud in this land, the first thing that need to be done is by amending the definition of law in the Federal Constitution. If not, still the action of providing hudud is not legal in the eyes of the Federal Constitution.
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
2:09 PM
Ya Allah...
Friday, September 30, 2011O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
10:30 AM
Bahana Fitnah : Al-Hujurat 6
Monday, August 22, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
10:23 PM
Aidilfitri : Kembali Kepada Fitrah
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
2:54 PM
Maksud "Duli Yang Maha Mulia"
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
3:10 PM
Gay / Lesbian : Bala Akan Menimpa Bumi!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011Gay wajib dibanteras. Seks luar tabiie ini semakin aktif berleluasa. Bukan saja di luar negara, hatta di Malaysia sendiri sudah begitu ramai golongan ini. Aktiviti ini sangat dilaknat Allah! Ayuh kita luangkan sedikit masa untuk membaca kisah kaum Nabi Luth ini agar dapat kita menyampaikan kepada segenap pelusuk alam bahawa aktiviti laknat ini mesti dibanteras. Moga ada sedikit saham pahala untuk usaha kita.
Nabi Luth telah diutuskan kepada masyarakat Sadum. Maksiat dan kemungkaran bermaharajalela dalam pergaulan hidup mereka. Pencurian dan perampasan harta milik merupakan kejadian hari-hari di mana yang kuat menjadi kuasa sedang yang lemah menjadi korban penindasan dan perlakuan sewenang-wenang. Maksiat yang paling menonjol yang menjadi ciri khas hidup mereka adalah perbuatan homoseksual di kalangan lelakinya dan lesbian di kalangan wanitanya. Kedua-dua jenis kemungkaran ini begitu bermaharajalela di dalam masyarakat sehinggakan ia merupakan suatu kebudayaan bagi kaum Sadum.
Nabi Luth berseru kepada mereka agar meninggalkan adat kebiasaan iaitu melakukan perbuatan homoseksual dan lesbian. Luth menyatakan perbuatan itu bertentangan dengan fitrah dan hati nurani manusia serta menyalahi hikmah yang terkandung didalam penciptaan manusia menjadi dua jenis iaitu lelaki dan wanita. Juga kepada mereka di beri nasihat dan diajukan supaya menghormati hak dan milik masing-masing dengan meninggalkan perbuatan perampasan, perompakan serta pencurian yang selalu mrk lakukan di antara sesama mereka dan terutama kepada pengunjung yang datang ke Sadum. Diterangkan bahawa perbuatan-perbuatan itu akan merugikan mereka sendiri, kerana perbuatan itu akan menimbulkan kekacauan dan ketidak amanan di dalam negeri sehingga masing-masing dari mereka tidak merasa aman dan tenteram dalam hidupnya.
Kerana tiada respon untuk insaf, Nabi Luth memohon kepada Allah agar kepada kaumnya masyarakat Sadum diberi pengajaran berupa azab di dunia sebelum azab yang menanti mereka di akhirat kelak. Permohonan Nabi Luth dan doanya diperkenankan dan dikabulkan oleh Allah s.w.t. Dikirimkanlah kepadanya tiga orang malaikat menyamar sebagai manusia biasa. Mereka adalah malaikat yang bertemu kepada Nabi Ibrahim dengan membawa berita gembira atas kelahiran Nabi Ishaq, dan memberitahu kepada mrk bahwa dia adalah utusan Allah dengan tugas menurunkan azab kepada kaum Luth penduduk kota Sadum.
Dalam kesempatan pertemuan mana Nabi Ibrahim telah mohon agar penurunan azab keatas kaum Sadum ditunda ,kalau-kalau mereka kembali sedar mendebgarkan dan mengikuti ajakan Luth serta bertaubat dari segala maksiat dan perbuatan mungkar. Juga dalam pertemuan itu Nabi Ibrahim mohon agar anaksaudaranya, Luth diselamatkan dari azab yang akan diturunkan keatas kaum Sadum permintaan mana oleh para malaikat itu diterima dan dijamin bahwa Luth dan keluarganya tidak akan terkena azab.
Para malaikat itu sampai di Sadum dengan menyamar sebagai lelaki muda yang berparas tampan dan badan yang berotot, tegap dan sasa tubuhnya dan meminta untuk menumpang di rumah Nabi Luth. Nabi Luth telah pun berpesan kepada isteri dan kedua puterinya agar merahsiakan kedatangan anak-anak lelaki muda itu. Jangan sampai terdengar dan diketahui oleh kaumnya. Namun, kedegilan isteri Nabi Luth, yang juga sehaluan dan sependirian dengan penduduk Sadum, telah membocorkan berita kedatangan tetamu Luth kepada mereka. Berita kedatangan tetamu Luth tersebar kerana isteri Nabi Luth.
Datanglah beramai-ramai lelaki-lelaki Sodom, yang buta seks ini, ke rumah Nabi Luth, berhajat untuk memuaskan nafsu seksual mereka, setelah lama tidak mendapat anak muda. Berteriaklah mereka memanggil Luth untuk lepas anak-anak muda itu, agar diberi kepada mereka untuk memuaskan nafsu. Mendengar keluh-resah Nabi Luth, lantas anak-anak muda itu memberitahu hal yang sebenar, mereka adalah malaikat-malaikat yang menyamar sebagai manusia yang diutus oleh Allah untuk menurunkan azab dan seksa atas rakyatnya kerana segala kemungkaran dan kemaksiat yang keji dan kotor.
Malaikat-malaikat itu menyuruh Nabi Luth membuka pintu rumahnya seluas mungkin agar dapat memberi kesempatan bagi orang -orang yang hauskan seks dengan lelaki itu masuk. Namun malangnya apabila pintu dibuka dan para penyerbu memijakkan kaki untuk masuk, tiba-tiba gelaplah pandangan mereka dan tidak dapat melihat sesuatu. Malaikat-malaikat tadi telah membutakan mata mereka. Lalu, diusap-usap dan digosok-gosok mata mereka, ternyata mereka sudah menjadi buta.
Sementara para penyerbu rumah Nabi Luth berada dalam keadaan kacau bilau berbentur antara satu dengan lain berteriak-teriak menanya-nanya gerangan apa yang menjadikan mereka buta dengan mendadak para berseru kepada Nabi Luth agar meninggalkan segera perkampungan itu bersama keluarganya, kerana masanya telah tiba bagi azab Allah yang akan ditimpakan. Para malaikat berpesan kepada Nabi Luth dan keluarganya agar perjalanan ke luar kota jangan seorang pun dari mereka menoleh ke belakang.
Nabi Luth keluar dari rumahnya sehabis tengah malam, bersama keluarganya terdiri dari seorang isteri dan dua puterinya berjalan cepat menuju keluar kota, tidak menoleh ke kanan mahupun kekiri sesuai dengan petunjuk para malaikat yang menjadi tamunya.Akan tetapi si isteri yang menjadi musuh dalam selimut bagi Nabi Luth tidak tergamak meninggalkan kaumnya. Ia berada dibelakang rombongan Nabi Luth berjalan perlahan-lahan tidak secepat langkah suaminya dan tidak henti-henti menoleh ke belakang karena ingin mengetahui apa yang akan menimpa atas kaumnya, seakan-akan meragukan kebenaran ancaman para malaikat yang telah didengarnya sendiri.
Dan begitu langkah Nabi Luth berserta kedua puterinya melewati batas kota Sadum, sewaktu fajar menyingsing, bergetarlah bumi dengan dahsyatnya di bawah kaki rakyat Sadum, tidak terkecuali isteri Nabi Luth yang munafiq itu. Getaran itu mendahului suatu gempa bumi yang kuat dan hebat disertai angin yang kencang dan hujan batu sijjil yang menghancurkan dengan serta-merta kota Sadum berserta semua penghuninya.
Bertebaran mayat-mayat yang dilaknat oleh Allah S.W.T di kota Sodom, dan hancurlah kota tersebut yang berada di laluan manusia yang lalu-lalang. Namun, masih ditinggalkan kesan-kesan kehancuran kota tersebut oleh Allah S.W.T, sebagai peringatan kaum yang kemudian yang melalui di jalan tersebut. Demikianlah kebesaran dan ayat Allah yang diturunkan untuk menjadi pengajaran dan ibrah bagi hamba-hamba-Nya yang mendatang.
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
12:12 AM
Hakikatnya, Mesti Sedia Untuk Menerima
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
2:05 AM
Kewajipan Menutup Aurat
Monday, August 8, 2011"Wahai Asma’, seorang perempuan yang telah sampai haidh (baligh) tidak boleh dilihat (hendaklah bertutup) pada badannya melainkan ini dan ini” (sambil baginda menunjukkan ke arah wajah dan kedua pergelangan tangannya). (HR Abu Dawud)
Daripada ayat Quran dan hadis-hadis di atas jelas menunjukkan perintah Allah terhadap golongan wanita untuk menutup aurat. Maka di sinilah kita perlu memainkan peranan. Menagapa dalam masyarakat kita yang sememangnya Islam ini, di kala kita mengamalkan solat-solat fardhu, kita juga berpuasa, membayar zakat, bernikah mengikut kaedah Islam, pergi haji dan sebagainya, amalan untuk bertudung masih lagi tidak meluas. Masih banyak Muslimah di luar sana yang "membogelkan" aurat mereka.
Persoalannya kenapa masih tidak bertudung sedangkan sedari kecil, sedari di sekolah rendah kita telah pun diajar bahawa menutup aurat itu wajib. Dari segi menutup rambut dan leher. Begitu juga dengan menutup anggota badan yang lain dengan pakaian-pakaian yang semoleknya.
Allah telah berfirman di dalam ayat 59 surah Al-Ahzab,
“Wahai nabi (Muhammad), suruhlah kepada isteri-isteri kamu, anak-anak perempuan kamu dan wanita-wanita beriman agar melabuhkan jilbab (pakaian bagi menutup seluruh tubuh) mereka (semasa mereka keluar), cara yang demikian itu lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Pengasihani (terhadap dosa kamu di masa lalu).”
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
3:34 PM
Kenapa Masih Bergosip Ketika Ramadhan?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
7:00 PM
Doa Berbuka Puasa
Monday, August 1, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
10:44 AM
Malaysia-Singapore (First Leg) : Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
9:55 PM
Harimau Malaya vs Singapore Lions
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
10:26 AM
Salahkah Wanita Tak Tahu Memasak?
Monday, July 4, 2011Jangan diperbesarkan nanti mereka terasa hati.
"Apalah perempuan, tak pandai masak siapa nak kahwin dengan awak!" Begitulah kata rakan sejawat lelaki pada seorang anak dara, juga rakan sejawat kami.
Maka jawaplah si gadis ayu itu yang dia tidak sempat belajar memasak sebab dari kecil tidak digalakkan keluarga sebaliknya di suruh menumpukan perhatian pada pelajaran saja.
Setelah tinggal di asrama, peluang pulang ke rumah terhad dan tidak sempat turun ke dapur membantu ibunya.
''Habis sekarang kenapa tidak belajar?" Tanya sang lelaki lagi dengan penuh semangat.
''Sedang belajarlah ni tetapi selain sibuk dengan kerjaya saya juga sibuk belajar agama, jadi belajar memasak tetap tidak diutamakan!" Begitu jawab si gadis yang membuatkan lelaki tadi menggeleng-geleng kepala.
Baginya tidak sempurna seorang wanita jika tidak tahu memasak. Wanita sepatutnya buat begitu juga.
Syarat utama menjadi suami mesti boleh menjadi imam.
Walau ada yang kata, jika itu syaratnya bermakna makin ramai wanita yang hidup bujang seumur hidup.
Lelaki meletakkan kebolehan wanita di dapur sebagai perkara utama dan ungkapan hendak memikat suami, perlu pikat seleranya sering diguna pakai.
Tidak kiralah jika wanita itu berpelajaran atau berjawatan tinggi dan penyumbang utama kewangan dalam rumahtangganya.
Sekarang bukan asing lagi gaji isteri lebih tinggi daripada suami.
Namun kedudukan suami sebagai raja tidak pernah dilupa walau dia tidak mengambil inisiatif mempelajari ilmu menjadi imam.
Ilmu bermain video game di komputer mereka rasa lebih perlu.
Kalau tidak tahu memasak disuruh belajar dan sesudah belajar perlu handal.
Jika handal bukan setakat masak untuk keluarga sendiri, kalau boleh perlu boleh memasak untuk tiga pasukan bola. Begitulah standard yang telah ditetapkan.
Bolehkah kita meletakkan undang-undang itu kepada lelaki juga? Kalau tidak pandai jadi imam, belajarlah.
Mula-mula jadi imam kepada keluarga sendiri, sudah terror boleh mengimam satu taman perumahan juga.
"Sibuk suruh kita handal memasak, mereka tu bolehkah jadi imam?" Dengus teman wanita yang lain.
Betul juga ya? Berapa kerat lelaki yang menjadikan sembahyang jemaah di rumah bersama anak isteri sebagai agenda utama, selain keperluan memenuhi pelbagai seleranya?
Maka bertanyalah wanita kini kepada beberapa lelaki tentang kebolehan yang satu ini.
Ternyata ramai yang menjawab tidak confident menjadi imam sebab takut bacaan al-Fatihah tidak sempurna, salah tajwid atau pun dia merasakan isterinya lebih handal.
Ada yang kata lebih elok dia dan isteri sembahyang sendiri-sendiri.
Ada juga menjawab, rasa kelakar pula apabila dirinya yang rugged menjadi imam.
Isu ini sepatutnya kita beratkan sepertimana masyarakat memberatkan wanita perlu pandai memasak jika mahu bersuami.
Lelaki juga harus boleh menjadi imam supaya kewibawaan mereka sebagai ketua keluarga tidak goyah atau menjadi mangsa 'queen control'.
Kalau tidak pandai, belajarlah sekarang. Jika wanita disuruh belajar, apa salahnya lelaki!
Posted by
Danial Izzat Zulbahari
9:44 PM